Out of all the life matters we can examine in a natal chart my expertise is that of death and the circumstances surrounding it. This honestly came about in my quest to understand planetary energy-I wanted to test it’s theories so I chose the planet Pluto or did it choose me?
Pluto is the planet that rules over the occult, sex, transformation (death/rebirth) and the healing process of one’s physical body or psyche. Armed with my father’s death certificate I began to dissect Pluto in his chart using simple techniques my teacher introduced to me and I was blown away. Still in disbelief and assuming that it was a lucky shot I decided to try the same technique to my grandfather’s chart and that of a old coworker and again I was blow away by it’s accuracy. What have I stumbled upon? Can you really “see” death using astrology? I just had so many questions...
You see, as a 28 degree Pisces sun (Scorpio Decan/Aquarius dwad-more on that later) I’ve always had a connection via dreams with the deceased and now having this “insight” I’m closer to understanding a potential role I play. A medium perhaps? One who meet souls at the crossroads? Can I bring closure to grieving families?
Take a listen as I explain the techniques I use in detail on my Blogtalkradio show “Voices From Beyond the Veil” as I breakdown the deaths of Emmett Till, Marilyn Monroe & Anna Nicole Smith, the rapper Prodigy and more. Feel free to contact me if you have questions or in need of my services. Peace be upon you...
Emmett Till
Marilyn Monroe and Ann Nicole Smith
Psychic Abilities in the Natal Chart
Nina Simone and Aaron Hernandez
South Node
Ashanti Billie